What is the Action Based Guarantee?

What do I need to do with the Action Based Guarantee?

Where do I find the Action Based Guarantee?

Note: This is a single-page document that must be signed, submitted, and completed prior to your Launch. 

Signing and submitting your Action Based Guarantee (ABG) is one of two required Pre-Launch milestones. 

The Action Based Guarantee is our commitment to each other, to follow the process, take the right actions, and get results together. The 6 items listed on the guarantee are the key drivers in success with our Service and Process. When we commit to these 6 items we can guarantee your results.

Summary of Action Items from the Guarantee

  1. Complete the initial Launch Pad Training within 7 days of receiving access to the Training Portal, complete remaining Launch Pad  & Success Path modules and all required “Checkpoints” before launching marketing, launch marketing services within 30 days of signing the Service Agreement, and complete any additional needed Success Path Training and all required “Checkpoints” within 1 month of Marketing Services Launch
  2. Follow the sales process to make a minimum of 6 calls to every lead within 5 business days, and, attempt contact with each lead within 1 business day, as outlined in training (tracked via the CRM Phone, Pipeline Stages, and Notes referencing each call)
  3. Use the Jucebox CRM daily to move prospects through your sales pipeline, take notes on all activities, and record all sales and deal values (via Lead Value updates)
  4. Use the Jucebox CRM Phone to Call every lead as outlined in the training
  5. Use the Jucebox CRM Text Messaging to manually Text with every lead after contact has been made, as outlined in the training
  6. Make an honest commitment to watch all required training, implement the systems, apply all our proven strategies, participate in at least 3 live sales coaching calls per month of either the Sales Coaching or Case Design Calls, and grow your business

The guarantee is attached in your Post Welcome Call email [Subject: New Client Info & Access]