Why does Jucebox need a photo of me? 

What is my Headshot used for?

We expressed our need for a High Quality Photo of you to inspire trust and to begin building rapport with prospects as they become new leads for your business. 

The photo will be used on the confirmation page of your marketing services. The confirmation page is the part of the Customer Journey where the prospect lands once they become a lead.

This photo should be as high quality and professional as possible but it is not required that it be a professional headshot (although that would be perfectly fine).

If you have not provided this Headshot Photo or High Quality Personal Photo to the Client Success team, either via email submission or by directing us to a website or url resource for your a High Quality photo of you, please do so as soon as possible.

To submit your headshot or url resource, submit a support ticket, please navigate to the home page of the support portal and select "+ New Support Ticket" with the Subject Line: Headshot, so we can make sure it does not delay your marketing services setup and launch.